Fleet Consulting Group s.r.o. is a leading consulting company focusing on complex consulting in the field of mobility. The main activities include the implementation of turnkey tenders, cost and operational audits of fleets and their management, the implementation of the transition to alternative engines and the provision of a web-based platform of employee benefits related to mobility.
Fleet Consulting Group Ltd. was founded in September 2011 by three co-founders – Jan Jandečka, Pavel Hrubeš and Jiří Hruška.
Prior to the Company founding, from 2009, there was a private enterprise of Jan Jandečka, focused on utilization of his specific many years’ experience from the segment of financial services and operational leasing. His key initiative was based on assessment of internal and external activities related to the customers’ fleet management and operation followed with an expert support of negotiation of fleet purchasing conditions, financing and overall fleet management.
Successful development of the business and the increase number of clients led to the need of new capacities to satisfy growing agenda and to the consideration further expansion of the company. It was necessary to cover both, higher capacity demand for the existing agenda, new expertise allowing further expansion to the areas of fleet management, purchasing of non-car-fleet items and finally also to increase quality of the analytically-consulting activities.
Consequently, there was established the Fleet Consulting Group Ltd. in 2011, together with entering of new partner into the company – Pavel Hrubes bringing his long-time experience of international purchasing, process solutions and management consulting.
This step extended portfolio of the Fleet Consulting Group products and allowed providing customers with the complex consulting and operational services, not only in the automotive area.
Our key philosophy is to achieve maximum cost savings and to increase operational efficiency of our customers together with strict respecting of high professionalism and expertise, full objectiveness and transparency and with keeping general moral principles.
Jan Jandečka
He graduated on the Economical faculty of Masaryk University in Brno.
He worked for prestigious bank, consequently on managerial position of leading leasing companies focused on automotive.
He started to develop his own enterprise in 2009 and, thanks to the successful growth transforming this business in 2011 into the Fleet Consulting Group based on the successful growth.
Pavel Hrubeš
He graduated in the Industrial Engineering on the Mechanical engineering faculty of West-bohemian University in Pilsen.
He worked in nuclear machinery, on managerial positions of purchasing units in telecommunications; for many years worked in management consulting, mainly for utilities and production companies within all Europe.
Besides managing the FCG company he transfer his experience as an author and lector of special development programs.